Monday 11 January 2016

Doctors - New practice manager Anthony Harker has his first week at work.

Anthony has big plans for the future of the surgery and manages to make a good impression on most of the staff, but not everybody is so enthused by him.

After striking up a bond with Daniel Granger, Anthony decides to confide in him about how Mrs Tembe has left The Mill in a state after her short-lived stint as temporary practice manager.

Anthony is quick to add that he's sure Mrs Tembe was doing her best, but he also plants the seed that she has left him with problems to solve.

Later in the week, Anthony also still seemingly has Mrs Tembe on his mind when he arranges for new pictures to be taken of the staff as part of a rebranding exercise.

Although pictures of Mrs Tembe are taken, Anthony admits that he won't be using them as he wants to focus on the doctors for now.

Anthony tells Mrs Tembe that she is free to use the pictures herself and could possibly send them 'home' to Botswana. Mrs Tembe isn't quite sure what he means as her home is in Letherbridge, and she leaves not entirely sure of his motives. Does Anthony have it in for Mrs Tembe?

Airs Monday, January 18th