Wednesday 6 January 2016

Emmerdale - Paddy Kirk will receive a nasty shock when he learns that social services have received a bad report about him.

As the adoption procedures continue, both Aaron Livesy and Tess are called upon by social services.

While Aaron happily gives them a glowing review of Paddy, Tess's intentions are unclear.

Paddy's affair later looks set to be exposed when Rhona finds his second phone and he is forced to lie that it belongs to Aaron.

When Rhona tells a confused Aaron that they have 'his' mobile, Paddy knows he has a lot of explaining to do. Feeling the pressure, he eventually comes clean to Aaron about his affair with Tess.

Aaron is left reeling over Paddy's confession, despite his insistence that he doesn't love Tess and the adoption will make his life complete.

Later, Rhona is distraught to learn that someone has given Paddy a bad reference, whilst both Paddy and Pearl are left blaming themselves.

A guilty Pearl believes she is responsible after she told the social worker about Rhona's "lesbian phase", while Paddy wrestles with his own guilt. Was Pearl responsible for the report, or was it a repercussion of Paddy's affair?

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