Sunday 20 March 2016

Coronation Street - Sarah Platt will be thrown into a panic when she goes into labour five weeks early.

Sarah will be left fearing for her unborn child's life when she starts having contractions over a month before her due date.

After being rushed into hospital, a terrified Sarah will be persuaded to have a caesarean in order to ensure that her baby arrives safely, but she will be riddled with anxiety over the son she lost years ago.

With Todd by her side, Sarah eventually consents and is later presented with her newborn son, who she decides to name Harry.

Speaking about Sarah's traumatic labour, actress Tina O'Brien said: "She's in massive denial. She doesn't want to believe that she's actually in labour so she tries to convince herself it's anything but labour. She refuses the caesarean because that's what she had to have when she lost her baby Billy so she's fearful that if she has a caesarean it's all going to go wrong and the baby will die. She thinks if she can have a natural labour things will go better. She's just got it in her head that something is going to go wrong. It's almost like a defence mechanism. I think she feels that if something does go wrong she's preparing herself. Todd is amazing and he's the one that gets her through it. Kylie is meant to be there as the birthing partner but she's busy elsewhere, so Todd is really the one to talk her through it and reminds her that this isn't Billy, this is a different situation."

As she starts to bond with baby Harry, Sarah will be thrown into further turmoil when Callum's mother Marion turns up wanting to meet her grandson.

Sarah demands that Marion stay away from both her and her baby, but her extreme reaction leaves her loved ones worried. Could Sarah be about to crack under pressure?

O'Brien said: "Sarah goes a bit nuts. Seeing Marion brings back the last time she saw Callum so she doesn't want to see her at all. She becomes very territorial over the baby and doesn't want Marion anywhere near her or her son. Having the baby really brings Callum's death home to her. Now she has this baby it's a constant reminder that it's never going to be all right and it's never going to go away."

Airs Monday, March 21st and Wednesday, March 23rd