Monday 6 June 2016

Home and Away - Dylan Carter will finally get his comeuppance when Kat Chapman gets the upper hand against him.

Dylan turns violent with Kat after realising that she has turned against him.

Although it looks like Dylan will get off scot free as it's just Kat's word against his, she refuses to back down and cleverly seeks an alternative way to expose his true colours.

When Kat enlists help from her friends, Leah Patterson-Baker mentions how Morag suspected a possible connection between Dylan and the judge when Zac was denied bail. 

Kat then pays a visit to the judge and manages to blindside him with the various pieces of evidence she's gathered together - now realising that Dylan knew about an extramarital affair the judge was having and used that to blackmail him to refuse Zac bail.

Armed with this knowledge, Kat convinces the judge to make a written statement against Dylan, which she then takes straight to her superiors at work.

Dylan is suspended from the police station as a result, but it's clear that he still won't be giving up on his obsession with Kat when he starts secretly watching her home instead.

Sure enough, Dylan finds the right moment to strike when he spots that Kat is home alone - harassing her with a deluded rant about how they still  belong together.

When Dylan gets physical again by grabbing Kat's arm, she finally defends herself by pushing him down in one swift movement, and he slinks away defeated after she points out how pathetic he is.

On a high after finally defeating Dylan herself, Kat later gets caught up in the moment by kissing Ash.

They both agree it was just a one-off mistake, but could it lead to more?

Airs Monday, June 13th and Tuesday, June 14th