Tuesday 5 July 2016

Hollyoaks - Ste Hay's loved ones desperately try to get him back off drugs.

Ste's temptation by accepting crystal meth from Cameron Campbell sends him off the rails again.

Although Ste manages to keep his relapse a secret for a while, the horrifying truth comes out when his on-off lover Harry Thompson finds him curled up on the kitchen floor in a terrible state at the Lomax house.

When Harry calls on his father Tony for help, it sets the stage for a special three-hander episode which sees them both trying to deal with Ste once and for all.

The pair take Ste to Tony's flat and hope that keeping him busy will be enough to distract him from the lure of drugs, but his withdrawals soon become too painful for him to cope with.

Getting desperate, Ste smashes Anthony and Dee Dee's piggy bank for money and flees the flat, but Harry gives chase and finds him trying to call his dealer from the phone box.

As these pictures show, it's Harry who soon ends up in an unfortunate situation as the tension mounts - but what has Ste done to him? And will Harry and Tony have any better luck when they lock Ste back in the flat?

 Airs Thursday, July 14th