Saturday 4 April 2015

Home and Away, Sasha Bezmel and Matt Page are left with some big decisions to make about their future together.

Sasha and Matt have been struggling to make their relationship work ever since she moved to a university in the city.

Their problems will increase later this month when Matt gets banned from staying in Sasha's university room, meaning that the only way they can see each other is if she continually returns to the Bay.

When the strain of her long-distance relationship starts to have a detrimental effect on her studies, Sasha decides it would be better if she moved to a university closer to Matt. However, Matt is opposed to the decision, believing she is throwing away her future because of him.

Determined to stop Sasha making a huge mistake, Matt decides he has to be cruel to be kind and breaks up with her. Is this the end of the road for the couple?

Sasha and Matt discuss their future
Matt breaks up with Sasha
Airs Thursday, April 16th and Friday, April 17th