Sunday 17 May 2015

Coronation Street, Tracy Barlow prepares to carry out the ultimate revenge on her enemy Carla Connor.

When her plans to take over The Rovers fall apart, Tracy is consumed by rage for those she feels have wronged her, and Carla is the first person on her list.

Furious that Carla scuppered her plans of becoming the pub's landlady by buying into the business herself, Tracy is on the warpath and it soon becomes clear that Carla is in serious danger.

Determined to wrack havoc, Tracy initially challenges Liz to a showdown shortly before Steve and Michelle's wedding is due to take place. Wanting to create maximum upset, Tracy happily reveals all the details about her affair with Tony, including their plan to take over The Rovers.

Although Liz is determined that the revelation will not ruin Steve and Michelle's big day, Tracy isn't planning to rest until she has got what she wants, and her attention soon turns to Carla.

Tracy stands over a sleeping Carla
After sneaking out of the wedding ceremony, Tracy makes her way to Carla's flat. Once inside, Tracy picks up the medal that Carla won for businesswoman of the year and stands over her while she sleeps.

With Carla unaware over the danger lurking over her, will she manage to escape unharmed?

Tracy's revenge plan will eventually culminate in a shock blaze ripping through Victoria Court - leading to several twists, turns and surprises for viewers.

Airs from Monday, May 25th