Tuesday 16 June 2015

Hollyoaks, Grace Black will decide to fake feelings for Kim Butterfield in a desperate bid to keep Esther Bloom on side.

Grace was left devastated recently after Esther decided to keep the baby she is carrying for her and Trevor Royle, and though they have since resolved the issue, she still fears that everything could go wrong again.

Next week Grace will be mortified after another fling with Kim and the situation escalates when Kim reveals her true feelings to Grace, just as Esther walks in.

Although Kim manages to backtrack as she tells Esther that she was referring to their relationship, Esther immediately gets the wrong end of the stick and thinks Kim is proposing.

After witnessing this, Grace realises just how much power Kim has over Esther and subsequently decides to use this to her advantage by pretending she is in love with Kim. Will her latest plan work?

Airs Monday, June 22nd