Tuesday 6 October 2015

Emmerdale - Aaron Livesy finds himself behind bars after new evidence puts him firmly in the frame for Robert Sugden's shooting.

With all focus on the White family, Aaron has so far managed to avoid too much scrutiny from the police detectives who are investigating the mysterious attempt on Robert's life.

That all changes next week when Aaron's friends Adam Barton and Victoria Sugden inadvertently release evidence which implicates him in the crime.

Adam is shocked when he looks through the touching video he has been making for baby Johnny and spots footage which shows Aaron hiding a gun at the scrapyard.

Suspicious and worried, Adam is then left with no choice but to confront Aaron and quiz him on whether he was the one who gunned down Robert.

Adam shows Aaron the video of him stashing a gun
Adam asks Aaron whether he shot Robert
Unaware of what's going on, Adam's wife Victoria soon sparks chaos by deciding to upload the video onto the internet. It's not long before the White family's lawyer Rakesh Kotecha spots it and realises that it could be the key to clearing Lawrence, Chrissie and Lachlan's names in one swoop.

Danny Miller, who plays Aaron, revealed: "It's just utter panic for Aaron when the gun is found because he knows there's nothing he can do about it. Aaron knows that he's going to get caught, but all he wants to do is get to his mum and Paddy first to tell them the truth before they hear it from anyone else. Aaron knows his fingerprints are on the gun no matter how much he's wiped it. The evidence is stacked against him and it doesn't look good, regardless of whether he's shot Robert or not. Aaron is on a suspended licence, so it's back to prison for him regardless."

Aaron insists that he did not shoot Robert
The police arrive to arrest Aaron
Aaron is quick to stress to his loved ones that he didn't shoot Robert and that he hid the gun for the right reasons, but whether his explanations are believed remains to be seen.

Miller added: "Aaron is relatively cocky when he's questioned by the police. He knows the law and the way they ask questions in police interviews. Aaron presents himself as a cocky little chap and thinks a firearm charge is the most he's looking at, but either way, he is sent straight back to prison!"
Chas goes to see Aaron in prison
Aaron explains what really happened
Airs Next Week